“Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act”


“Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act”

from the

Federal Trade Commission

700.10 Section 102 (c).

(a) Section 102 (c) prohibits tying arrangements that condition

coverage under a written warranty on the consumer’s use of an

article or service identified by brand, trade, or corporate name

unless that article or service is provided without charge to the


(b) Under a limited warranty that provides only for replacement of

defective parts and no portion of labor charges, section 102 (c)

prohibits a condition that the consumer use only service (labor)

identified by the warrantor to install the replacement parts. A

warrantor or his designated representative may not provide parts

under the warranty in a manner which impedes or precludes the

choice by the consumer of the person or business to perform

necessary labor to install such parts.

(c) No warrantor may condition the continued validity of a warranty

on the use of only authorized repair service and/or authorized

replacement parts for non-warranty service and maintenance.

A complete copy of the “Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act” may be obtained from,

FTC Headquarters

th & Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.

Washington, DC 20580



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